September 11th Tribute

For more than thirty-five years, FOSE has lead the way in unveiling new products and technology to all levels of the government. FOSE has evolved throughout the years; introducing office supplies such as fax machines and voicemail messaging systems to transitioning to information technology services.

The one constant throughout the FOSE expo has been the federal, state and local government employees we serve. Our attendees visit the expo hall and attend the conference sessions for one reason: to better educate themselves on new initiatives and services to efficiently fulfill their missions. Government employees, along with our armed services, are the ones who help protect our great country and ultimately help us maintain the freedom and independence we fought for more than 200 years ago.

With the passing of the 10 year anniversary of September 11th, we remember the people who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country on that tragic day, as well as the troops overseas and government officials across the world who are continuously dedicating their lives for our freedom.

FOSE is proud to provide a meeting ground for senior-level government IT officials as a networking and educational conference. We would like to thank our troops, government officials, law makers and the thousands of others responsible for ensuring our country’s freedom. God Bless America.

About FOSE Team

The FOSE Team is hard at work developing the content, programming and opportunities you'll find at this year's event.

Posted on September 12, 2011, in General. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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